Polemical essay on the evacuation of people from contemporary architecture representation. Spring 2023.
9-21.010 Introduction
9-21.020 Scope
9-21.100 Eligibility for the Object Security Program 9-21.110 Criminal Informants
9-21.200 Approval Authority
9-21.330 Testing and Evaluation
9-21.800 Distinction of Current and Former Program Participants 9-21.950 Relocation Site
9-21.1010 Results of Witnesses’ Testimony
The purpose of this section is to provide information and guidance to the architecture community at large with respect to the loss of human subjects. Due to the evacuation, captivity and subsequent absence of scaled figures from architectural representation (please see MOS’s Unfinished Encyclopedia of Scales Figures, 2019) the surviving objects in such representations that have witnessed their subjects’ disappearance are eligible for Object Protection and Relocation (OPR). This section contains regulations and provides general information about the Object Relocation Program (the Program), and sets forth the procedures by which an object’s replacement of a human subject and consequential change of identity may apply for the services of the Program in order to protect an Object against dangers that may be related to the Object’s testimony.
Full text avaliable upon request.